Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Governor Schwarzenegger Vetoes Chu Bill to Protect Public From Released Sex Offenders

WHY ??????

SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed bipartisan legislation by Assembly Member Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park) and Assembly Member Todd Spitzer to create a California Sex Offender Management Board that was passed by the Assembly on a 72-0 vote.
Assembly Bill 632 would have established a Sex Offender Management Board to address any issues, concerns, and problems related to the community management of the state's released adult sex offenders.

The appointed unpaid expert members of the California Sex Offender Management Board would have studied and assessed current sex offender management practices and made recommendations to improve management practices for adult sex offenders under supervision in the community, with the goal of enhancing community safety.

“I am greatly disappointed that the Governor vetoed this important public safety bill. Over 100,000 registered sex offenders currently live in various communities throughout California. The multitude of state agencies involved in the release of sex offenders do not sufficiently coordinate or communicate with one another,” said Chu, “There is only a short window of time when sex offenders are supervised once they are released from prison. The state needs to have a well coordinated and effective system to control the behavior of sex offenders and prevent recidivism during this critical period following release.”