Saturday, September 09, 2006

Click on link below to White House page on this meeting.

August 8, 2003.
From left to right. Richard Armitage, George Walker Bush and Colin Powell.

Link to White House e-page - click here Kindly note view webcast.

The editorial by Joe Wilson in the New York Times regarding Niger was written on July 6, 2003. It clearly stated there was no link between Saddam Hussein and yellowcake shipments to Iraq. Bush clearly lied regarding Africa's contribution to WMD in Iraq in a State of the Union Address. Clearly lied within sixteen words noted on this blog. Clearly lied. Clearly lied.

The outing of Valerie Plame occurred July 14, 2006 (Click here for a reference to it in Slate Magazine) with an article by Robert Novak. Richard Armitage was the primary source of the leak but what followed was a cascade of lies by the White House including Karl Rove whom testified before the special prosecutor five times and I. Lewis Libby who simply lied to the Special Prosecutor without seeking to pursue the same path as Rove.

This picture above is reflective of the possibility of high level loyality and leaks that surrounds this president. At the time this occurred both Armitage and Powell were noncommital to their place in a second Bush administration giving rise to all types of possibilities of underhanded politics, in retrospect realizing neither of these men stayed in the second administration.

The point is there was a high level leak and to what extent it involves a president and vice president is highly suspicious regardless the primary source. The Republicans would like to boil this down to one unfortunate person, Armitage and as if the rest of the Executive Branch would be victims to it.

If Richard Armitage outed a CIA agent in retaliation of an editiorial by Joe Wilson, then it was to help Bush in a very questionable re-election. There was no other reason. There could be no other reason. The question by Novak of Armitage was 'Well who chose Wilson to go to Niger?' as if there was something wrong in that choice. The reply by Armitage was in anger and definately was intended to hurt Wilson by scandalizing the fact 'his CIA wife' suggested it. In fact, the conservative journalists tried to exploit that fact and blame narcissism within the CIA for sending Joe Wilson with intention of undermining Bush rather than seeking to support his claim.

Joe Wilson was involved with the administration of George H. W. Bush and why would an Ambassador with sincere interests in protecting this country including his wife and young children ever lie to any administration regarding an issue of national security. The conservative journalist's arguments don't hold water, but, under this administration any 'reworking' of the truth to favor the president is considered an act of heroics.

Recently, in the BBC, the Wilsons (click here) were asked if there would continue to be a law suit against people responsible for this act of treason that caused them so much hardship in their personal lives. The answer, of course, is yes and it should be. Regardless the primary source there was a great deal of maneuvering behind the scenes by the White House to contain the extent Joe Wilson's editorial would impact upcoming elections and any possiblity of impeachment. The Wilsons became pawns in a game of 'whom controls the Executive Branch' post 2004 elections, while, the question still remains unanswered originally asked by Novak, 'Who indeed sent Joe Wilson and why?' Could it possibly be his experience, expertise and previous work for a Bush administration? I think so.

The Fitzpatrick investigations need to 'conclude' and the trials to go forward including that of the civil suit by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. The people of this country deserve answers considering Ms. Plame was involved in apprehending people engaging in WMD against the USA, the very reason Bush used to invade a disarmed country, namely Iraq. The people of this nation do not know the value of Ms. Plames work and whether indeed she was the single most important person in stopping any additional attacks on the USA.

In lying to and manipulating the public prior to the elections of 2004 seeking the upper hand politically for re-election, has the administration of George Walker Bush destroyed the very vehicle of intelligence used by Ms. Plame in her covert status. Certainly those she was dealing with now know her 'modus operandi' and have exploited that knowledge through the community of international terrorist networks.

The White House in this case is guilty for not conducting themselves appropriately from the start when any one of them could have stopped the leaks and demanded an internal investigation. Also noteworthy of this administration is it's reward for appearing incompetent, ie: the continued longevity of Michael Brown after Katrina, Bush's backing of him when the tragedy of incompetency was realized including that of Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff and the fact Mr. Brown now prospers as an independant businessman with his own security firm after allowing the deaths as well as those still missing along the Gulf Coast. It is this 'phenomina' that surrounds this president and there remains no punishment for abusing power at any level. That is accompanied by a majority Senate and House that seeks no retribution against an Executive Branch clearly lying and out of control while stoking the crony network that feeds an artifical economy through chronic debt ceiling increases.

There is much here that is completely wrong and contrary to the well being of the American people. Armitage is only the tip of the iceberg.

Further evidence to Bush's lies. Today in the New York Times. There was absolutely no evidence to link Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. In creating fear among the electorate, Bush was able to abandon the hunt for bin Laden, which was half hearted to begin with, to pursue a more valuable target and one sought after by this administration before the elections of 2000, :

C.I.A. Said to Find No Hussein Link to Terror Chief (click on)


WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 — The Central Intelligence Agency last fall repudiated the claim that there were prewar ties between Saddam Hussein’s government and an operative of Al Qaeda, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, according to a report issued Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The disclosure undercuts continuing assertions by the Bush administration that such ties existed, and that they provided evidence of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. The Republican-controlled committee, in a second report, also sharply criticized the administration for its reliance on the Iraqi National Congress during the prelude to the war in Iraq.
The findings are part of a continuing inquiry by the committee into prewar intelligence about Iraq. The conclusions went beyond its earlier findings, issued in the summer of 2004, by including criticism not just of American intelligence agencies but also of the administration.

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