Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Hornet's Nest is far Bigger than Most Want to Realize

CNN's John King. Propagandist. Neocon. Fear Monger. Who needs it? The amount of garbage spewed over the airwaves by this man has won him recognition here. It never stops. He must own stock in Cheney. Rubbing elbows with Karl is not above him I am sure.

Cheny - The American Al Qaeda

Once again the Bush/Cheney Administration and CNN are raising the 'fear factor' in the USA stating it is NECESSARY to be assaulted psychologically to have freedom.


The problem with rail transportation everywhere is the LACK of HOMELAND SECURITY.

Cheney is a domestic 'fear monger' and nothing else.

Does he have SOLUTIONS to the dangers we face in society?

NO !!!

All he and his propaganda networks have is supplying NOT 'Peace of Mind' but stimulating the Fear Factor.

Get lost Dick !!

Solutions DO NOT include psychological attacks on the American People.

What idiots are these.

The Outrage Grows !!
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