Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Skilled Staff under Duress found a good deal of luck along with talent today.

July 26, 2005. Shuttle Discovery Launched. The Redundency of the Safety Measures were compromised today. The staff at the news conference shows a great deal of stress in respond to added pressure to make sure a COMPROMISED Safty Margin didn't kill astronauts. My objection still stands and this is literally an administration that flys by the seat of their pants without regard to anything expect a political agenda. This was to EXONERATE a desperate administration from it's growing scandal.

The reduncency needed when there are two vital sensors that are fail safe and shut down engines requires one back up sensor for each operational sensor. This was completely fool hardy.

Shuttle Launches as Planned, Starting 12-Day Journey in Space

"A malfunction in the fuel level sensor system caused NASA to scrub its first launching attempt, on July 13. The sensors are important because they keep the shuttle's main engines from running on empty - a situation that could cause them to tear apart, with potentially disastrous results for the shuttle and crew. If two of the sensors indicate the shuttle's tank is nearly empty, they will set off an engine shutdown."