Tuesday, July 26, 2005

U.S.A. Military, Sgt. Brantley - An example of how CNN 'CONTROLS' the message rather than reporting the news.

July 4, 2005

"I am here to help the Iraqi people and serve my country. The Iraqi ( National ) forces are starting to do a real good job."

A good solider.

We want Sgt. Brantley home.

End of discussion.

July 4, 2005 at 11:10 AM. As soon as this posting went up CNN changed their message and the words regarding the 'fitness' of the Iraqi forces was eliminated and there were news snippets stating suicide bombings are still killing Iraqi citizens regardless of the efforts of joint ventures of Iraqi and USA forces. That's right. There are going to be suicide bombings, assassinations and all kinds of problems in Iraq for a long, long time. We don't make a difference and the people of Iraq need to solve their own problems as well as make them.

The segment this American took part in was enjoying the holiday at a basketball court in a tournament that was exclusively American in participation.

That is unfortunate.

In addition, this was at Sadr City.

Since the time the USA was the enemy to the people in that city, a Shi'ite Ayatollah have brought understanding between the USA military and his flock. The 'peace' the USA military is experiencing in Sadr City today, is not related to their offensive or the killing of people there, whom originally were seen as 'insurgents.' The peace of Sadr City today directly belongs to Ayatollah al Sistani and Cleric al Sadr. Sadr City was named for the Clerics father. Much can happen in the way of peace when Holy Men are allowed to lead a political process that leads to understanding and peace.

The USA press regardless of it's agency chronically downplays and completely ignores the importance of Iraqis Holy Men and their desire to have a country pure of spirit, trusting Allah in the heart of Islam.

The USA Press regardless of agency give ALL improvements of peace in Iraq to the killing of Iraqi insurgents by the USA military when it is the furthest from the truth. The precense of the USA military CAUSES escalation in attacks as demonstrated by the former battles at Sadr City and Kufa/Najaf. The experience the Iraqi Holy Men have with their people today is grossly different than a year ago. As with any other new experience there is a learning curve with this process and it is a challenge for ancient faiths to adapt their people to every change they face.

This change and learning cannot and will not occur while conducted in violence. This is demonstrated by the increased USA military deaths in Iraq since sovereignty and the fact Bush lost control of his battlefield more over the last year reliquishing OUR military to a foreign authority.

We don't belong in Iraq.

We never did.

Removing Saddam was right. Causing a great deal of Iraqi death and hardship was not the way to do it. The 'face' of the invasion was never about removing Saddam it was about finding and removing Weapons of Mass Destruction that had the ability to be used against the USA. That danger never existed. This adminstration deceived us but never deceived the UN or the world. Today, the Iraqi people still don't have control of their oil fields but the stockholders of Cheney's Halliburton STILL do.

The change in presentation of the facts above leaves no doubt there are 'huge' shadows over the reporting of CNN as it propagandizes to benefit the Bush/Cheney Political Agenda. This administration has placed this country in profound debt for a war that serves their political purposes. The words of USA Generals cannot be trusted as it only "puppets" the words of the politicians.

Generals were trained to carry out war and not peace.

The increase of danger and war escalation in Afghanistan is due to the latest 'hit' the USA military took while coming very close if not on top of a Taliban Stronghold in the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We have found very possibily Osama bin Laden and the USA military in Afghanistan needs bolstering by the active duty troops in Iraq while the Iraqi forces replace them in that country.

Our first loyality is to the enemies of this country and not the oil barrons of Iraq.

Bush/Cheney/Halliburton/Rumsfeld/Rice/FOX News/CNN are placing our nation in danger. The focus of this administration and it's propaganda is based in politics and not the needs of this country. July 5, 2005. 5:12 pm John King states we are back in business in Iraq.

That would include the USA and it's possibly remaining $12 billion. My deepest sympathies for the deaths of all those in Iraq. The point here is that the message from CNN is as confused and spun as it is from Bush/Cheney/Rove.

Who are we to believe?

The people of this country this Fourth of July now know they are truly nothing to their government.

The people of this country this Fourth of July now know they are truly nothing to their government.

The people of this country this Fourth of July now know they are truly nothing to their government.