Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wolfowitz, Libby, Rove, Feith and Perle commited FRAUD ? Where does Judith Miller fit into this?

Completely Israeli

Jihad el-Khazen

Al-Hayat - 17/08/05//
"Yellow cake” is raw uranium that is converted and enriched, then put in tubes with centrifuges; other steps take place before it becomes nuclear fuel or is enhanced so that is can produce nuclear weapons.

The yellow cake documents, which alleged that Iraq tried to buy yellow cake from Niger, were not just a mistake but an intentional forgery. The forgers have now been caught in a trap of their arrogance and hatred. When the documents reached the US, the State Department and CIA doubted their authenticity, but the war party opted to send Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador to Africa and the husband of Valerie Plame, to Niger to investigate the matter. Wilson returned and announced decisively that the documents were a forgery. He wrote an article about this in the New York Times – the war party was enraged and leaked the name of his wife, a CIA agent. This gave rise to an investigation, which has now expanded in scope. The forgers know that if the charges are verified they are guilty of mass murder, punishable by death. The information that is now available says that Niger’s Embassy in Rome had a break-in in January 2001, while the home of the counselor in charge suffered a similar break-in. Blank embassy stationery was stolen.

This is where one of the nastiest and most dangerous Israeli apologists, Michael Ledeen, comes in to the picture. He was accused in the Iran-Contra scandal, but after George Bush Sr. pardoned him, Ledeen found his way back into the corridors of power.

In December 2001, Ledeen, White House advisor Karl Rove and Douglas Feith organized a meeting in Rome attended by:

•Larry Franklin, the man now accused of spying for Israel.

•Harold Rhode, from the Office of Special Plans, headed by Feith; Rhode was Franklin’s colleague.

•Nicolo Pollari, the then-head of Italy’s version of the CIA.

•Antonio Martino, the then-Italian defense minister.

•Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms merchant, and Iranian dissidents.

During the meeting, the Niger-uranium documents were discussed, as presented by Rocco Martino, a former Italian intelligence agent. The documents were childish in their forgery and French intelligence had already rejected them. The Italian magazine Panorama also casted doubt on them.

But the grouping of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Lewis Libby, and Karl Rove immediately adopted them, and presented them to the President as confirmed evidence.
Actually, the matter goes back to 2001, a date that precedes the well-known terrorism of this year, confirming the intention for war for a certain reason, or no reason. It’s now known that George Bush and Tony Blair set down their planning for war a full year before it began, which means that they intended to go to war, whether or not there were reasons to justify such a step.
Who were the forgers? Nora Rosen in Washington Monthly said that Ghorbanifar informed her that he held 50 meetings with Ledeen after 11 September 2001 and that he gave Ledeen 4-5,000 sensitive documents.

The investigation will determine how many of those forged documents reached the Office of Special Plans, run by Feith, with Ledeen as his advisor.

Ledeen is a Likudist extremist who hates Arabs and Muslims; he’s been an Israeli apologist throughout his career in the administration and outside, with the goal of serving Israel. As he was linked to Iran-Contra, he has always been the subject of suspicions about his Israeli ties.
If Ledeen had been tried as he deserved, the US wouldn’t have arrived at Iran-Contra. If he had gone to prison for that scandal, he wouldn’t have told us about plans to go to war against Iran after Iraq. He wouldn’t have been a disgusting extremist waging campaigns against Saudi Arabia and Syria, blind to the crimes of the Sharon government against children.

In 1983, Ledeen was a consultant on terrorism with the Pentagon, at the recommendation of Richard Perle. His direct superior was Noel Koch, Assistant Secretary of Defense for National Security issues. He quickly noticed that Ledeen was concerned with reading classified reports. When the two men went to Rome on a special mission, Koch heard from the head of the CIA group that when Ledeen worked in Rome as a correspondent for the New Republic, a neo-conservative magazine today, he was registered as an agent of a foreign government (Israel).
There is considerable information in the congressional investigation into Iran-Contra. Oliver North asked National Security Council director John Poindexter that Ledeen be subject to a lie-detector test on a regular basis. It later appeared that Ledeen had tried to guarantee the sale to Israel of TOW missiles at $2,500 a piece, even though it had earlier bought them for $6,800 each.

This man is completely Israeli and should not be allowed to work in the US administration or remain there. Let the investigation, or investigations, arrive at the truth. If Ledeen ends up in jail, as he deserves, maybe he’ll meet a tough guy there who will fall in love with him. The blood of Arabs and Muslims is unimportant, as we all know, so the Israeli mafia should be tried for killing America’s young people.
