Friday, December 30, 2005

"Beam Me Up, Scotty"

"D" stands for Dubya and "C" stands for K(C)arl

"The Truth" might get Karl Rove out of jail IF he comes forward about his source of information. Karl Rove knew exactly what Valerie Plame did at the CIA. What is his excuse? The Wilson's and he were the best of friends and confidant? Give me a break. Some words are just not believable. Sooner or later The White House has to come to terms with it's very bad reputation. They are not trustworthy. No 'legalese' is going to change the facts that both Rove and Bush stated they had nothing to do with the outing of Valerie Plame. They are lying. They are not trustworthy. Cheney is as guilty as the two of his piers. These people are not legends. They are punks. They have used and abused the powers of their offices and status in our society.