Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Religious Bigotry of CNN's NewsNight "Morning Papers"

The Religious Bigotry of Executive Producer Sharon von Zwieten

It was an Hour at the Movies again wtih very little validity to any of the segments.

The time breakdown was per usualAaron, about 13 minutes, live 5
Others - 32 minutes
Commercials - 15 minutes

There were ONLY three Soldiers listed:

Age 21 - Choi
Age 19 - Giles
Age 31 - Crackel

Currently there are 1770 dead Americans.

This 'Honor Segment' hasn't even come close.

You don't have the newsprint, NewsNight, I won't mention it here as it appears to be uncooperative. Probably have a reason to be and I congratulate them.

Christian Science Moron - itor - they are grossly Anti-Semitic (The Christian S & M assessment of Disengagement) vs. (The rest of the World)

Rocky Mountain News
San Antonio Express
Washington Times
The Examiner
The Times - London
The Daily News
The Times Herald Record
Dallas Morning News

Aaron Brown wrote his own e-mail tonight but was NOT ALLOWED to personally host his intro to his show contents.
