Thursday, December 01, 2005

John Robert's continues to exhibit his corrupt relationship with Fundamental values in Roe v. Wade

conti2005 - 10:16 AM ET September 13, 2005 (#13700 of 13700)Impeach Bush and Cheney ! Rove is their 'Front Man'Let there be no doubt.

John Roberts is espousing the RIGHTS of a Fundamentalist in that Roe v. Wade can be assailed by "Stare Decisis" as it was in Casey REGARDLESS of it's extensive and current precident.

By citing Casey he is bring up the rights of parents to insure their rights to know what their daughters are doing in regarding to abortion. There is a 24 hour waiting period required there as well.

The issue in regard to ADULTS in Casey vs. Planned Parenthood was DENIED. Casey is completely about minors and their relationship with their parents in regard to securing an abortion to relieve themselves of an unwanted pregnancy.

In my opinion Roberts is defining an OPPORTUNITY to re-open Roe v. Wade to over turn it through the application of Stare Decisis. After that application however he abandons the decision regarding the rights of adults over minors in Casey.

If an ADEQUATE candidate for the Chief Justice was looking at this 'objectively' and not 'biasedly' it is completely obvious the ONLY reason Stare Decisis was applied to Roe v. Wade at all was the additional reasoning regarding a minor's status. Where Casey COMPLETELY DEPARTS from Stare Decisis is the right of an adult woman to decide regarding abortion application to unwanted pregnancy including her spouse because it is her body to decide, 'Habeas Corpus.'

Roberts wants to OPEN Roe v. Wade based on Stare Decisis with the hope of a majority court that will break the precident of Casey regarding adult women that actually upholds Roe v. Wade. It's corrupt, unethical and stands in defiance of accepted precident established in Roe and upheld in Casey in regard to adult women to say the least.

John Roberts is covert !