Saturday, December 31, 2005

WHY isn't Steven Hadley involved with this investigation? The History of the SAME people is too significant to overlook.

Julian Borger Names Karl Rove

"Several of the journalists are saying privately 'yes it was Karl Rove who I talked to.'"

Prior Reputation of Karl Rove and Robert Novak (They are subversives by reputation):

"Sources close to the former president say Rove was fired from the 1992 Bush presidential campaign after he planted a negative story with columnist Robert Novak about dissatisfaction with campaign fundraising chief and Bush loyalist Robert Mosbacher Jr."

Mr. Rove told the columnist: "I heard that, too."

But, Karl, who did you hear that from?

And what is with Libby's Color Coded Folders to keep the Sources Straight.

A source close to Rove, who declined to be identified because he did not wish to run afoul of the prosecutor or government investigators, added that there was "absolutely no inconsistency" between Cooper's e-mail and what Rove has testified to during his three grand-jury appearances in the case. "A fair reading of the e-mail makes clear that the information conveyed was not part of an organized effort to disclose Plame's identity, but was an effort to discourage Time from publishing things that turned out to be false," the source said, referring to claims in circulation at the time that Cheney and high-level CIA officials arranged for Wilson's trip to Africa.

Rove told then-deputy national security adviser Stephen Hadley in the July 11, 2003, e-mail that he had spoken with Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper and tried to caution him away from some allegations that CIA operative Valerie Plame's husband was making about faulty Iraq intelligence.July, 14, 2003 - Novak's Article stating Valerie Plame and outing her as a CIA Agent.What goes on between Novak and the Bushes?

Robert Novak has a security clearance to the USA for purposes of pundancy?

The plot thickens and it seems to me everyone is running for cover.